Wisdom Teeth removal in Grange,SA

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Wisdom Teeth removal in Grange,SA


When a wisdom tooth is problematic, symptoms may include: pain and swelling of the gum overlying the impaction (due to either infection of the operculum or trauma from the tooth above hitting into it, or a combination of both). For example, swelling that arises from infection may make the upper tooth impinge onto the gum traumatizing it more and causing a vicious cycle.

The cause of these problems is that when a wisdom tooth is impacted, a flap of gum will lie over it. As it is difficult to clean effectively under the gum flap, bacteria will proliferate here and the gum will become inflamed.

An impacted tooth can also be present in the mouth without you even knowing about it, because it may not be causing any symptoms. However, other problems can also be associated with impacted wisdom teeth. They are prone to decay. This is because food can become trapped around them, and they are difficult to clean. The tooth lying beside will also be at increased risk of decay for the same reason. The tooth may become sensitive or painful.

Likewise, the area is more prone to gum disease because it is difficult to clean. Rarely, cysts, and other such growths, may form around an impacted tooth. Therefore, even when they aren't causing pain, or other noticeable symptoms, they should be checked regularly. Your dentist can make sure that all is well in the area, or if any damage begins to occur, then the situation can be remedied sooner rather than later.
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At Grange Dental Clinic, we offer extraction of wisdom teeth either in our clinic or through our network of specialists for more challenging wisdom teeth impactions. When a wisdom tooth is problematic, symptoms may include: pain and swelling of the gum overlying the impaction (due to either infection of the operculum or trauma from the tooth above hitting into it, or a combination of both). For example, swelling that arises from infection may make the upper tooth impinge onto the gum traumatizing it more and causing a vicious cycle.

The cause of these problems is that when a wisdom tooth is impacted, a flap of gum will lie over it. As it is difficult to clean effectively under the gum flap, bacteria will proliferate here and the gum will become inflamed.

An impacted tooth can also be present in the mouth without you even knowing about it, because it may not be causing any symptoms. However, other problems can also be associated with impacted wisdom teeth. They are prone to decay. This is because food can become trapped around them, and they are difficult to clean. The tooth lying beside will also be at increased risk of decay for the same reason. The tooth may become sensitive or painful.

Likewise, the area is more prone to gum disease because it is difficult to clean. Rarely, cysts, and other such growths, may form around an impacted tooth. Therefore, even when they aren't causing pain, or other noticeable symptoms, they should be checked regularly. Your dentist can make sure that all is well in the area, or if any damage begins to occur, then the situation can be remedied sooner rather than later.
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What is an impacted wisdom tooth?

A tooth is described as impacted if it is blocked from erupting into the mouth fully. Thus, it will lie at an angle instead of being upright, remaining tipped against the tooth in front of it.

Technically, any tooth can become impacted, but it is wisdom teeth are the most often affected, owing to their late eruption. Impacted teeth can cause a range of problems, but it should also be noted that they may cause no problems at all.
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Wisdom teeth pain symptoms, caused by their impaction, are a common problem. These third molars are the last teeth to erupt into the mouth. There are usually four: one in each corner of the mouth. They most commonly appear between the ages of 17 and 24, but can also erupt much later.

As they are the last molars to enter the mouth, there is often not enough space for them to fully come through. Therefore, they may only partially erupt into the mouth or not come through at all.

When there is enough room, they will come through into the mouth normally and act as any other tooth. There may be some problems including dental pain as they are growing in, but this will clear up once the tooth finds its final position. Pain and other symptoms can arise when there is not sufficient room in the mouth. The tooth may become impacted.

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